A huge job deserves a great way showcase, and that was the problem — they had tried several times on their own to capture jobs using internal employees, and had always failed. Batteries died, power was lost, settings weren’t properly set, and footage was erased — you name the problem and it sounds like they had experienced it. So what did they do? They did what any sane company does in this situation — they brought in someone better than them to make it happen.
Listed Media is a full service media production company — which means we specialize in taking difficult situations and turning them into videos. In this case specifically the forecast called for rain and wind, the construction zone was unsecured and in a high foot traffic/high crime area, which meant we had to worry about security, and there wasn’t any power near where the camera was placed. However — we came up with solutions for all of these issues.
We ran several hundred feet of extension cords and secured them so they wouldn’t get destroyed by the traffic to the construction site. We mounted the camera 24 feet in the air, off of a light pole, so that we didn’t have to worry about crime. And we made sure the professional dslr camera was weather proofed so that it could withstand the weather and capture the crazy lighting differences from the middle of the day to the middle of the night without compromising the quality of the images.
All in all, I’d say it was a pretty successful project. What about you?
“It’s bad ass.”
Big projects need a big showcase.
Reál HTX Construction had a huge job — they were gutting an old consumer electronics company, and installing six loading docks, bay doors, ripping out a football field size of concrete and dirt, and laying in the new concrete.